We began producing tea without pesticides in 1970 (48 years ago) out of a desire

to contribute to people’s health and maintain a clean environment for future generations.

We do not prioritize a nice appearance or the ability to produce mass quantities;

instead we deliver organically farmed tea under the concept of organic produce

that is friendly on both the body and the environment. Today, in addition to

our many customers in Japan, people in 31 countries in America, Europe and elsewhere

drink our organically farmed tea.

We have organic JAS certification. In addition, we employ a pesticide residue

analysis and bacteria inspection check system. We have also received

ISO22000*certification to respond to food safety that has been growing as a concern

in recent years. This means that we have set up a structure that can actually prove

safety and security at a glance. With this, we are putting into practice various

efforts toward the stable supply of authentic organic tea that everyone can use with


We will continue to work hard while always treasuring the philosophy of our founder

Aijiro Nagata – “a desire to contribute to people’s health and maintain a clean

environment for future generations through tea.”

*We plan to acquire FSSC22000 certification in the fall of 2019.